Senior Connections - Serving Seniors in Douglas County, Wisconsin







What We Do
As the County Aging Unit, Senior Connections provides services and programs to individuals aged 60 and over, as mandated by the Older Americans Act. Read more...



News & Updates

These documents are SO important as it encourages individuals to plan ahead for their healthcare decisions, document their wishes in advance directives, and discuss these wishes with loved ones and healthcare providers, ensuring their voice is heard even if they cannot speak for themselves. Don't hesitate, there will be more than enough people there to walk you through this process. This is important for everyone to have; this is open to anyone 18+!


MADISON, Wis. (WRN) — A new text message scam is cropping up on phones in Wisconsin and nationwide.

The message will warn you of unpaid tolls through the E-ZPass app, saying failure to pay will lead to your vehicle being impounded. That’s not the case, because the message actually comes from scammers looking to get access to your private information.

There are several tells to look for, including excessive use of emojis and casual language like “We wish you a sunny day full of happiness.” Your best bet is to delete the message and report it as spam to your carrier, then tell your friends and family to be aware.

If you have recently driven on tollways in neighboring states, you should check your balance due through E-ZPass directly.


Our March-April newsletter is now available! You may stop by our office for a copy or read it on our website.
Click on Home, then click on Publications to read it online.
**Thank you so much to all of the following businesses & agencies for advertising in our bi-monthly newsletter!!** ~Please support our advertisers❤~
Below is a flyer about a FREE event for caregivers.
Registration: Leah Crist at the ADRC 715-395-1234 or at the door.
“Caregiving is a marathon and not a sprint. Equipping yourself for the long haul is essential. You shouldn't walk the caregiving journey alone.” - Lisa Mayfield
Paper surveys for residents & non-residents are available at the Senior Connections office, 1805 N. 16th Street in Superior.
~Please consider completing this important health survey~
**Now Hiring Part-Time Meals on Wheels Delivery Driver**
Superior, Wisconsin
Please call Senior Connections to inquire, 715-394-3611.

Call Leah at 715-395-1322 to schedule your free memory & brain health screening. Screenings will be held at the Superior YMCA.
Hot off the press! Don Johnson (photo) our Meals on Wheels delivery driver, has penned a new book based on his grandfather.  Foxes & Fireflies Booksellers, 1401 Tower Avenue in Superior.
Also, you may purchase on Amazon.




Birds Bar and their loyal customers & employees raised $266 for Senior Connections Meals on Wheels program. Every Wednesday Bird's Bar at 5801 Tower Ave in Superior has a fun meat raffle which starts at 6pm. All proceeds go to a different local charity/cause each week. THANK YOU!!



Our staff along with 78 guests, and the Two Harbors Ukulele Group celebrated the holiday season together at our annual Christmas Tea. Thank you to Super One Foods East End location for the delicious cake with everyone's favorite whipped frosting on top. Many thanks to Leah from ADRC of Douglas County, WI, Kathy Schulties, Luann Teige, and Kay Johnson for generously volunteering their time at the event!



Senior Connections has a variety of FREE incontinence products available for residents of Douglas County, Wisconsin.


#PackersGiveBack Our Executive Director Dale Johnson & his fabulous wife Amy were so proud and thankful to accept a $5,000 grant from the Green Bay Packers Foundation. The grant will go towards Senior Connections, Inc. shelf stable meals for all Meals on Wheels recipients.
Photo: Left to right: Bill Schroeder (Packer Alumni), Dale, Amy, and Mark Murphy (Packer’s President/CEO).
FREE Caregiver Training and Resources at:




















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